
Trying to live life with sandy toes and laughter

Meet my favourite Zafu…

Before September of 2011 I had no idea what a Zafu was and my meditation experience ended with the shavasana portion of a yoga class. I spent the month of September in the jungles of Costa Rica at a yoga retreat where my mind and body fell in love with meditation. Sitting on the yoga deck in the jungle overlooking the ocean with monkeys playing a few feet away was where I met my first Zafu. A Zafu is a cushion used in sitting meditation (literal Japanese translation – sewn seat). For someone that suffers from back issues the Zafu was invaluable. Once I returned home I knew I wanted to continue my meditation practice but would have some physical barriers. Meditation step one – find a comfortable steady seat. I set out to find my own Zafu and found multiple varieties. Here’s my Goldilocks tour of the Zafu shapes and sizes:

Halfmoon Zafu – this shape provided the perfect lift I need in the hips and the halfmoon shape left a perfect sitting place for my feet.

Om Zafu – Most of the time this would be perfect for me, but not sure if this had enough lift for when my hips feel tight. I loved the lightness and portability, perfect for yoga classes where I need to bring my own props.

Round Zafu The first Zafu I tried. The great thing about the round Zafu is that you can adjust the buckwheat hulls depending on the lift you need that day.

V shaped Zafu A lot of lift on this one and a place for my feet. It might just be a little too much lift for me though. Great for someone tall. In the end they all felt great but it was the Halfmoon Zafu combined with a Zabuton cushion that won my heart. Now when I perch on my meditation seat all I feel is the tranquil calm I was first introduced to in the Jungle. Tell me, how do you Zafu? As someone new to meditation and working with joint and back issues I’d love to hear your tips. Have you found your perfect mediation seat. #howdoyouzafu

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This entry was posted on April 30, 2012 by in Namaste and tagged , , , , , , , .


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